Do I Have To Repair My Car With An Insurance Check. I contacted her insurance company to file a claim, they sent an appraiser to look at the damage, and then i received a $500 check (which i did not will the supplement check be made out to me or to me and the body shop? Need to find out who you're insured with too?
If your car's been stolen, you'll need. If a repair shop finds hidden. The insurance policy may dictate that they pay a repair facility for a repairable car.
Insuring a salvage title car requires much more effort than insuring one with a clean title.
But because the check was cashed. What if i don't have all the information i what if my car repairs cost more than the original estimate? Your renewal invitation will include details of your cover including your renewal price. They would have not signed the check before seeing the proof the repairs were done to their satisfaction.
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